[Never frown, even when you are sad, because u never know who is falling in love with your smile.]
If you love someone, put their name in a circle,
instead of a heart,
because hearts can break,but circle go on forever. .

Sunday, December 13, 2009

メメRandom Moodメメ

happy. .
coz received some tart from mei mei. .
coz i chat happily with didi and mei mei. .
sad. .
coz argued with someone. .
dunno why she wan shoot me. .
coz tmr i will be lonely. .(not actually. .haha)
erm,got 1 thing dunno should i happy or sad of it. .
that is I gonna be Santa Clus on 19th Dec. .
LOL. .
muahhahhah. . 

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